Hina-Matsuri (Dolls Festival)

We went to the ‘Kyu-Yagishita-Tei’ (a classic Japanese mansion) in celebration of Hinamatsuri (also known as Girls’ Day) last Sunday, March 3. This is an annual Japanese festival during which families with young girl members pray for their health and happiness. Hinamatsuri is believed to be rooted during the Heian period that is why the multi-tiered display of dolls represents the Emperor, Empress, Attendants and Musicians in their traditional court dress. These splendid ornamental dolls can be seen in some museums, shops and family homes in the month leading up to Hinamatsuri day and/or for another week. Some people partake in traditional food and drink such as Hishimochi (red, white and green rice cakes), Chirashi-zushi (chopped vegetables, fish and rice with vinegar) and Shirozake (sweet white sake).
Location: Kyu-Yagishita-Tei, Isogo Ward, Yokohama City
Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Entrance Fee: FREE
私たちは, 若い娘の家族が健康と幸福のために祈りをしている毎年恒例の日本の祭りに, 雛祭りのお祝いに”kyu-yagishita 亭”に行ってきました. 雛祭りは平安時代に根付いていると信じられているが, 人形の多層ディスプレイは, 伝統的なコートドレスで天皇, 皇后, 惜しくも, ミュージシャンを表している. これらの素晴らしい装飾人形は, 月にある博物館, お店, 家族の家で, 雛祭りの日につながることができます. 伝統的な食べ物や, 白, 白, 餅などの伝統的な食べ物や飲み物を提供する人もいる.
場所: 横浜市磯子区級亭
時間: 午前9:00時から午後5:00時まで
入場料: 無料